A minimum deposit is required to secure your place in each course you register for. By holding a place in the course for you, we may be turning others away.


(30 days or more before class begins)

Full course cost

(29 days or less before class begins)

Full course cost


Level I Theory – Online

$160 + GST/HST




Level I Practical

$1250 + taxes



Level II

$1250 + taxes



Level III

$2250+ taxes



Combined Level I Practical and Level II

$2300+ taxes



Combined Level I Practical and Level III

$3350+ taxes



Combined Level I Practical, Level II and Level III

$4450 + taxes



 Lymph Taping 

$465 + taxes

 $465 + taxes


Review / Advanced Course:

$475 + taxes

$475 + taxes


Transfer to another class organized by the Dr. Vodder School – International

If you decide to transfer your reservation, an administrative fee of $100 per class registered will be deducted from your deposit to cover the costs of administering and processing your application.

If you subsequently decide to cancel from the class you have transferred to, your full deposit (listed above) will be forfeited. Up to seven (7) days before the first day of class, all course fees are refundable, less the full deposit amount. Less than seven (7) days before the first day of class, no course fees will be refunded.

If you have been given a discount for bundling classes and have cancelled out of subsequent classes that you had been given the discount out, on top of the cancel fee will be the difference you received from bundling the classes. That is only if you cancel after already completing one of the bundled classes.

Please advise us in writing as soon as possible if you decide to transfer, as it is difficult to fill your place at late notice. Please send your transfer notice by email to the Dr. Vodder School at


Cancellation / Refund policy

If you cancel;

  • Level I Theory is non-refundable

  • Up to thirty (30) days before the first day of class, all course fees are refundable, less the administration fee of $100 per course.

  • Between twenty-nine (29) days and seven (7) days before the first day of class, all course fees are refundable, less the full deposit amount.

  • Less than seven (7) days before the first day of class, no course fees will be refunded.

If you do not attend the course or cancel during class, there will be no refund. If you fail to notify us of a cancellation or transfer, all fees paid will be non-refundable.

Please advise us in writing as soon as possible if you decide to cancel, as it is difficult to fill your place at late notice. Please send your cancellation notice by email to the Dr. Vodder School at

Please note cancellation or transfer of a class may only be received in writing.

If the Dr. Vodder School cancels the course(s) due to unforeseen circumstances, all monies received will be refunded.


Any student may be dismissed from the course(s) for insufficient progress, non-payment of tuition, non-attendance, or unprofessional/unethical conduct. Reinstatement following dismissal is at the discretion of the instructor and/or the Dr. Vodder School International.


Please note that cheating in written or practical exams or helping another student during exams will result in automatic failure of the course without repayment of fees.