Our practical instructors are committed, energetic and dedicated therapists who have years of clinical experience before becoming instructors. They have undergone extensive teacher training to ensure that you learn the highest quality hand skills and practical knowledge. They are certified by the Dr. Vodder School – International to teach various levels of our training program. Once certified, instructors undergo annual recertification by attending a Teacher Review course, designed to maintain and improve their skills and also to maintain uniformity amongst teachers. As a student in our program, you can be assured that you will receive the same Dr. Vodder technique, no matter who you train with through the Dr. Vodder School.
Robert Harris, HND, RMT, CLT-LANA rharris@vodderschool.com
Robert is the director and senior instructor of the Dr. Vodder School-International. He was first certified as an instructor in 1986 and has since introduced thousands of students to the Dr. Vodder method of MLD. He has authored and presented many papers and articles internationally. With over 25 years of clinical experience, teaching and research on the Dr. Vodder method of MLD and CDT, Robert conveys a passion and dedication for this work. His patient, empathic approach encourages students to find the best way to engage their innate skills as therapists.
Linda (Koby) Blanchfield, RMT, CLT-LANA kobymld@telus.net From 1990 to present, Koby has maintained a private clinical practice, as a Registered Massage Therapist. Since 1992, the focus has been primarily with lymphatic pathologies, including lymphoedemas, post surgical interventions, traumas and wound care.
Koby was first certified as Dr. Vodder School Instructor in 1995. Having worked with students of diverse disciplines (massage therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nurses, and doctors), Koby has enjoyed the privilege of teaching internationally on several continents. She has presented at many conferences: lymphedema, wound care, world conference on breast cancer, and scientific aesthetician.
She has participated at the board level of several organizations, and is currently a co-chair of the Education Working Group of the Canadian Lymphedema Framework. Koby has been a member in good standing with the International Society of Lymphology (ISL) since 2001, a member of the Lymphology Association of North America (LANA) since 2002.
She is passionate about the Dr. Vodder method of Manual Lymph Drainage, and enjoys seeing the benefit it brings to patients. “It feels like teaching is a natural extension of my clinical practice. Plus it has a wonderful exponential advantage. Sharing knowledge with therapists means more patients will benefit.”
Anne Bramham, LMT info@astecc.comWith more than 25 years of professional experience as consultant, teacher, therapist and designer of spa therapies. Anne Bramham is the founder of ASTECC (American Spa Therapy and Education Certification Council) and the owner of the Bramham Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida. An instructor of Manual Lymph Drainage with the Vodder School since 1995, Anne opened the first hospital based Lymphedema treatment center in South Florida. In recent years Anne has been instrumental in introducing MLD to the Spa and Wellness community. In 2005 she introduced the Vodder sponsored Spa Body Certification program to serve as a bridge between the medical use of MLD and the world of wellness. The program facilitates the use of MLD in conjunction with spa therapies and rehabilitation from cosmetic surgery and has been adopted by a number of resort spas including Mobil's first ever 5 Star Award Winning Montage Spa.
Janet Douglass, RMT, BHSc (Hons) jan@movinglymph.comJan has worked in the field of natural therapies since 1987 practicing remedial massage and aromatherapies and developing and delivering health science subjects for students of massage therapy, occupational therapy and naturopathy. Since becoming a Dr Vodder Therapist in 1997 Jan has specialized in MLD & CDT and in 2002 became an accredited instructor with the Dr Vodder School. Jan’s scope of experience includes research into treatments for lymphoedema at Flinders University, presentations at numerous conferences and seminars within Australia and internationally and developing the lymphoedema clinic within the breast unit at Flinders Medical Centre. Now a PhD candidate at James Cook University Jan is studying morbidity and disability prevention in those at risk of filarial lymphoedema in Bangladesh.
Kathryn Fleming, PT, CLT-LANA kjfmldpt@aol.comKathy Fleming graduated from the University of Connecticut, 1977, with a BS in Physical Therapy. She has worked in rehabilitation and community hospitals with in- and out-patients, nursing homes, state and private institutions for the mentally and physically handicapped, school pediatric programs, private practices, Visiting Nurses Home Care PT. Kathy has attended many continuing education classes, including certification as a Lebed Method-Focus on Healing Instructor. She was the first PT in Massachusetts to become Dr. Vodder School MLD/CDT certified (in Austria in 1994) and has been actively doing this work since then. Kathy also certified in MLD/CDT at the Foeldi College in Germany in 1999. She committed to carrying on with the BEST by becoming certified as a Dr. Vodder School Basic teacher in 2005 and Dr. Vodder Therapy I teacher in 2011. Kathy states: “I love this work and the positive impact it has upon the quality of life of those to whom we bring it!!”
Gay Lee Gulbrandson, BA, CMT, CLT-LANA gaylee@voddermld.com www.voddermld.comGay Lee Gulbrandson, a resident of Berkeley, CA, has a BA (Biology) from Beloit College, WI (1971). She is a certified MLD therapist by the Dr Vodder School (North America) in 1996, has been a certified Basic Course teacher since 2002 and in 2011 became a certified Therapy I instructor. Gay Lee also teaches Advanced Neck & Face. Gay Lee has a thriving private practice in MLD and Combined Decongestive Therapy. Her qualifications and accreditation include certified massage therapist (1979), AMTA member (since 1988), orthopedic massage certification (Hendrickson School 1991), a member of NAVALT® (since 1995), NCBTMB exam certified (1995), NLN member (since 1996) and CLT-LANA certified (2002). Gay Lee has the energy to be an innovative, dynamic and respected teacher and travels frequently to teach MLD throughout the USA.
Kathryn McKillip Thrift, BS, RMT, CLT-LANA kmtcltlana@aol.com
Kathryn has been a certified Dr. Vodder therapist since 1987 (Walchsee, Austria) and a Basic Instructor since1992. She was certified as a Therapy I Instructor in 1997. She serves on the Boards of the North American Vodder Association of Lymphatic Therapy (NAVALT), the National Lymphedema Network (NLN), the Medical Advisory Committee of the NLN, the Lymphology Association of North America (LANA) and the National Lipedema Association (NLA).
She maintains a private practice in Dallas, Texas, as well as being the clinical consultant of the Lymphedema Program at Medical City Dallas Hospital, which she helped set up in 1995.
“This work has such meaning and value to me as I have benefited from it, first as a patient with my lipedema, and then as a therapist. There are so many who can benefit from this work, either as a wellness therapy or for the many different pathologies MLD is uniquely suited to treat. Becoming an instructor was the next logical step for me. I want to help others catch the vision of this work as I was inspired by my teacher, Hildegard Wittlinger. These days my motto seems to be ‘Have packed bag, will travel’ as I have been teaching so much . . . I love teaching and meeting so many wonderful therapists from all parts of this vast country. I feel blessed to have found this work and my role in it.”
Denise Drisdelle, BA RMT denisedr@telus.net Denise graduated from Saint Thomas University in NB with Honours in Psychology and a major in French. She worked as a manager in Community Living at Spectrum Society supporting people with disabilities for 12 years and is currently a board member. In 2006 Denise became a Registered Massage Therapist in British Columbia. Also in 2006 she became a certified Dr. Vodder therapist. Since 2008 Denise is an associate practitioner at InspireHealth, an integrated centre for cancer care in Vancouver, BC. She operates and practices at a clinic in Vancouver with several other Dr. Vodder certified therapists. Denise became a certified Basic Course Teacher in 2012.
Michel Eid, BPE, MT idem@videotron.caMichel was trained in physical education at Université du Québec à Montréal and taught Phys. Ed. at elementary school for three years before entering the massage therapy field. He is certified in Swedish and Sports Massage. He first started to work with athletes and sports teams, professionals and amateurs and then directed his attention to MLD. He completed his Combined Decongestive Therapy training in 2002 at the Dr. Vodder Schule in Walchsee, Austria. His focus, since then, has been to work with patients suffering with lymphedema. He has given lectures on this topic to many health professionals in the province of Québec, bringing more knowledge and awareness on this subject. Michel has been involved for five years with the Lymphedema Association of Québec and has served on their board of directors for two of these years.
In October 2003 Michel joined Physio Extra, one of the first physiotherapy clinics in Québec to offer multidisciplinary modalities in the treatment of lymphedema.
Hozaidah Hosain, BPT hozaidah.hosain@sgh.com.sg Ms. Hosain is currently the Senior Principal Physiotherapist, Chief of Oncology Rehabilitation and Lympheodema Management. She is also a Lymphoedema Physiotherapist in Singapore General Hospital. She received her Bachelor of Physiotherapy from Curtin University (Australia) in 1997. She obtained a certificate in Lymphoedema Therapy from Australia (Lymphoedema Association of Australia, 1998) and then attended the Dr Vodder School (North America), in 1999 in Victoria, British Columbia, making her the first in South East Asia region to obtain the certification. She has been heavily involved in the management of lymphoedema cases since then.
Felicia Ingram, DPT fimldpt@gmail.comFelicia Ingram graduated from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, 1995, with a BS in Physical Therapy. She has worked in rehabilitation hospitals with in- and outpatients, nursing homes, school pediatric programs, and hospital-based outpatient facilities. She became Dr. Vodder School MLD/CDT certified in Victoria, B.C. in August 2000. Since that time, Felicia has had the privilege of taking everything she learned and utilizing it to help people with various pathologies. In 2007, she obtained her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from A.T. Still University. She has served the physical therapy profession as a clinician, educator, and advocate. She serves on the Advisory Board and as Adjunct faculty at Jackson State Community College. She is currently Chairperson for Jackson District TPTA. She holds certifications as an APTA Certified Clinical Instructor, a Certified Kinesiotaping Practitioner, and Certified Lymphedema Therapist - LANA. She loves working as a clinician and enjoys teaching others. It was only logical for her to take the next step by becoming certified as a Dr. Vodder School Basic Instructor in 2013.
Sandra MacDonald, RMT aj244@chebucto.ns.caSandra graduated from the West Coast College of Massage Therapy in Vancouver, BC in 1987 and has been in private practice, first in BC and since 1994 in Halifax, NS. She completed her Manual Lymph Drainage certification at the Dr Vodder Schule in Walchsee, Austria in 1996. She has been involved with the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation and is an Encore instructor. Encore is a post Breast Cancer exercise program run by the YWCA. She has done many educational sessions with patients and therapists alike. Sandra became a Basic Instructor in 2009 and hopes to encourage more therapists to take continued education programs in Manual Lymph Drainage.