Manual Lymph Drainage History

Esthetician history

The history of the method begins in 1932 with Emil and Estrid Vodder who practiced as a massage therapist and naturopath in France. They carried out much investigation on the lymph vessel system and developed a series of light, rhythmic manipulations in order to stimulate lymph flow and fluid movement. Encouraged by their success with patients, they developed a series of manipulations for the entire body and founded a systematic approach to treatment, which they called ‘Manual Lymph Drainage’. Later, they established the Dr. Vodder Center in Denmark and began teaching their method throughout Europe. They designated Hildegard and Günther Wittlinger in Austria to be their successors and to teach and train teachers in this method. The Wittlingers established the Dr. Vodder School - Austria in 1971 and brought the Dr. Vodder method to North America in the 1970’s. Through success with problem skin and in beauty therapy, the Dr. Vodder method of MLD has gained an important presence in the field of skin care.  The training program for estheticians has been designed to meet the specific needs of this market. 

The Vodder Center, Denmark and the Dr. Vodder School - Austria have authorized the Dr. Vodder School – International as the only school in North America to teach the original Dr. Vodder method of MLD.  Robert Harris, the director, has been an instructor since 1987 and lectures internationally on the Dr. Vodder method of MLD.